Why use a recruiting agency rather than in house recruitment?

With the unemployment rate at an all-time low, finding and recruiting good quality candidates for your organisation is a time consuming and sometimes difficult job. 

Gone are the days when you upload a job to Seek and receive 100s of applications. Nowadays, the best candidates for your company are passive job seekers – meaning they aren’t necessarily looking for work, because they already have a job. 

If you don’t have an in-house recruiter, it is incredibly time consuming for someone on your team to be sourcing the best candidate, contacting them to determine if they’re open to new opportunities, creating value propositions, promoting the role itself, scheduling interviews, doing reference checks, sorting pre-employment paperwork… The list goes on!

This is why many companies actually outsource their recruitment to specialised Recruitment Agencies. Recruitment agencies can help you find and shortlist quality candidates for any roles you are looking to fill.

Here are 5 reasons why you should use a recruitment agency if you aren’t already.

1. Gives you the time to focus on what you’re good at

Allowing someone else to take over the time-consuming task of sourcing top candidates for your roles, means you can focus on doing what you do best, running your business! Many organisations and smart businesses owners know that it’s best to outsource tasks that absorb a lot of your time, especially tasks that would take you twice as long for a lesser result than an expert would be able to provide. Save yourself time and effort by outsourcing your recruitment. 

2. Faster hiring

Recruiters have their finger on the pulse of the top candidates in their market, and many are already connected with passive job seekers with a huge database of candidates. Recruiters, especially ones who specialise in a particular industry, like IT recruitment for example, will be able to source top candidates quickly, and provide you with a shortlist, which means you don’t need to sort through all the applicants to find the best ones.

3. Higher Quality candidates

Recruiters have access to a large talent pool of pre-screened and referenced candidates. They are also experts at interviewing, so they can get to the nitty gritty of the skills and expertise needed for the role, to give you the best match for your company. Recruiters have access to networks that you wouldn’t otherwise be able to tap into. Get candidates, not just applicants!

4. Specialist knowledge of the market

Many recruiters will specialise in a specific industry, for example, IT Recruitment. Not only does this mean they know the best possible candidates within your market, but they will also be able to provide you with specific advise for your recruitment, and they’ll understand how to determine who is a great candidate and who is just a good interviewee. If you’re hiring for a role that is brand new in your company, you may not know exactly what you need or who you are looking for, a recruiter can help guide you. For example, if your business has grown and now you’re in the need for a Business Analyst, but you’ve never recruited for that type of role before, you would be going in blind without a recruitment specialist helping you. 

5. Other services like payroll, insurance, work from home OH&S checklists and more

Recruitment agencies can often help you with other services like payroll, employee insurance, OH&S work from home checklists and so much more. Save yourself some more time and effort by bringing your recruiter on for more services that they specialise in. 

Do you need a recruitment agency to help you?

We are currently taking on new clients and would like to be able to help you with your recruitment needs. We are a boutique Australian recruitment agency, who are passionate about connecting organisations with high quality candidates. 

We operate in major cities across Australia and have particular expertise in IT roles, but can assist you in any way you need. Get in touch today!


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